Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I had about an hour today when the boys were playing outside, and thought I would get some stuff out to make cards. Mother's day is coming up, and so I had to get some cards made in time to mail out. Then a made a few others, as I am getting low on cards in general. I think I need to take a few days out to replenish my supply.
Monday, April 11, 2011


Scrapfest just finished for another year. It was great to see everyone again. I was supposed to host the crop, but with my recent health challenges, I had to bow out. I did, however, manage to volunteer a few hours on Friday, right when many people were checking in, and that was fun. But boy did those few hours wipe me out! I think it was the most energy I have used since my hysterectomy, and I felt it! I tried not to do too much walking around, and just stay stationed at the desk, but it still caught up with me. It was worth it though!

I was also excited to meet Carolyn from Maya Road. I have known her online for about 6 years, but this is the first time we met in person (see pic above). And it was great to see so many others that I only get to see every Scrapfest.

Thanks to Lisa and the rest of the Scrapfest crew, for another wonderful Scrapfest!!
Monday, April 4, 2011

Scrap therapy

Well after everything I have been through, I think it's about time I find something therapeutic to do. Scrapping is the answer! I have been scrapping a lot the past two weeks. I really missed it. The layout above is one I did using pics from our PEI trip last summer.

I also missed keeping up with other blogs, and seeing what is going on in the scrapping world. So if you notice my presence more on your blog, it's because I am finally coming out of my fog.